Scholarship Details:
Optimist International Oratorical Scholarship Contest
Date Added:
1/28/2020 12:00:00 AM
Start Time:
1/28/2020 12:00:00 AM
3/13/2020 12:00:00 AM
Amount Varies:
Scholarship Title:
Optimist International Oratorical Scholarship Contest
Scholarship Info Link:
No link available
Scholarship Description:
Topic for the 2019-20 school year is: “Just iMagine a World without Boundaries”. The Optimist Oratorical Contest gives youngsters the chance to speak to the world. More than $150,000 in college scholarships funded by the Optimist International Foundations is awarded annually from this program. First conducted in 1928, this is the second most popular Optimist International Program. Nearly 2,000 clubs participate in this program each year. The winners at the Club level receive medallions and Zone winners receive a plaque. Districts have the opportunity to provide a first place scholarship of $2,500, a second place scholarship of $1,500, and a third place scholarship of $1,000.
Application Link:
No link available
Attached file:
No file attached to scholarship.
Available for: